domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010


Impreso 7

Actividades de aprendizaje

Idioma: Inglés

Reflexiones sobre lo que ha resuelto más eficaz y agradable a la hora de aprender y escríbalo.


En el aula

Por mi cuenta

· Escuchar la radio

· Ver películas V.O.

· Ver las noticias: BBC, CNN, ABC News

· Hacer ejercicios de comprensión oral por Internet


En el aula

Por mi cuenta

Lectura de cuentos

· Lectura de prensa, por ejemplo, “El SUR English”

Lectura The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

· Lectura de revistas y en general de prensa inglesa

· Lectura libros graduados: From the cradle to the grave

· Lectura de cuentos


En el aula

Por mi cuenta

· Mantener diálogos con personas nativas o compañeros que aprenden la lengua.

· Ejercicios de pronunciación basados en la repetición.

· Contar historias o cuentos.

· Realización de videos: speaking activities


En el aula

Por mi cuenta

· Realizar expresiones escritas.

· Redactar e-mails, currículum, itinerarios de viaje.

· Resumir ideas de artículos y de libros.

· Realizar descripciones de acontecimientos, de personas, de viajes, etc.



Aprender a aprender

Lee con detenimiento cada uno de los puntos de las siguientes secciones y determine lo que ya hace usted o lo que le gustaría hacer. Utilice los espacios en blanco para añadir puntos que no estén incluidos.

Para evitar que las emociones influyan negativamente en

mi aprendizaje

Lo hago

Me gustaría hacerlo

  • Intento mantener mi nivel de ansiedad bajo cuando utilizo la nueva lengua


  • Aunque temo cometer errores, utilizo la lengua sin miedo al ridículo.


  • No me bloqueo si no entiendo una palabra o expresión, sino que sigo escuchando.


  • No me desespero si no recuerdo la palabra exacta que quiero utilizar, sino que intento decir lo mismo de otra manera.


  • Comparto con otros estudiantes mi estado de ánimo en lo que al aprendizaje se refiere.


  • Tengo un diario donde apunto cómo me siento al estudiar.


  • Cuando me han salido bien las cosas me felicito o me concedo algún premio.


Para reflexionar sobre el aprendizaje y organizarme

Lo hago

Me gustaría hacerlo

  • Determino lo que necesito aprender y me fijo objetivos en consonancia.


  • Me marco un ritmo de trabajo teniendo en cuenta el tiempo de que dispongo.


  • Reviso con periodicidad mi progreso; compruebo lo que sé y lo que no sé.


  • Busco ocasiones para utilizar la lengua que estoy aprendiendo (escucho la radio, uso Internet, estudiando).


  • Me doy cuenta de los errores que cometo e intento no repetirlos.


  • Determino si aprendo mejor lo que veo, lo que oigo o lo que digo y hago.


  • Me creo un entorno de estudio favorable: lugar, tiempo y condiciones adecuados.


  • Escribo un diario donde anoto lo que voy aprendiendo.


Para aprender lo nuevo

Lo hago

Me gustaría hacerlo

  • Asocio lo nuevo que aprendo con lo que ya sé, sea en mi idioma o en otro.


  • Busco patrones de la lengua que se repiten con cierta frecuencia y formulo mis propias hipótesis.


  • Me fijo e intento imitar el acento y la entonación de los hablantes del idioma.


  • Para entender el significado de una palabra nueva, me fijo en su forma y en las partes que la componen.


  • Busco semejanzas y diferencias entre el nuevo idioma y las otras lenguas que conozco.


  • Uso el diccionario como ayuda para entender lo que leo o escucho.


  • Memorizo una palabra nueva dentro de la oración en la que aparece.


  • Asocio el sonido de la palabra o expresión con el sonido de una palabra o expresión conocidas.


  • Visualizo mentalmente cómo se escriben las palabras.


Para fijar lo que he aprendido

Lo hago

Me gustaría hacerlo

  • Practico con frecuencia, en nuevas situaciones, lo que he aprendido.


  • Organizo y agrupo las palabras que he aprendido.

  • Uso combinaciones que me son difíciles de pronunciar.

  • Practico los sonidos que me son difíciles de pronunciar


  • Dibujo las palabras o las expresiones.


  • Repito o escribo muchas veces la palabra o expresión.


  • Cuando estudio utilizo que estoy aprendiendo para tomar notas.


  • Repaso con frecuencia


jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010



According to the subject of the food, I choose the video Healthy recipes for kids: Pizza!

Firstly, I think is a good idea to show a recipe. When we listen or read a recipe, we should know all the terminology of types of food, kitchen's tools, verbs of cooking... that's why I think it's important the recipes when we study this subject. If we know to explain or understand a recipe, it's because we can control the terminology.

On the other hand, we are studying this degree because we want to teach children in the future. So this video is made for children, for whom we will work. As teachers, we can't limit to teach a subject like English, we should teach a lot of things that are important for our society like the values. In this video they try to make aware about the health, with a correct diet.

In conclusion, we can watch a funny video where we can learn vocabulary, we can be aware of values and we can do a recipe and then eat it !


I've chosen this video because I was looking for a description of the education. Between several videos with descriptions of schools or universities, I finally chose the Elementary School teacher job description where we can see a teacher who talks about the importance of her job.

I think this teacher explain us all the responsibilities that her job have. In my opinion, it is not easy to be a teacher because teachers have to prepare all the lessons, taking care with all the children in classroom, talk with their parents, control their behavior and teach them discipline. Teachers are very important in the education,they are a part of the big circle that forms the education system.

To sum up, I wanted to find a video that shows what education is, what their functions are and all the characteristics we should know of it. In this way, we can learn more vocabulary and we can practice the oral comprehension.


The world of the jobs is very wide: jobs descriptions, working days, making curriculum, making a job interview... we can mention a lot of things of this subject. I decided to look for something about a job interview because it's interesting and a lot of people have gone through it.

I've chosen this video because I think it is important to know several tips when we are going to make an interview. In this way, we learn the terminology of the jobs: they talk about the skills, the qualities, the strengths which are outstanding in a job.

For those people who are looking for a job, I hope they take notes!


This is the video of the story telling. I have chosen the short story
Meg and Mog by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010


Things to consider in preparing for your novel seminar:

1. Briefly summarise the plot of the story.

Christopher wants to write a different novel: he looks for something original, something that we don’t get used to read. He decides to talk about a murderer’s dog. One day, he founds a friend’s dog dead in the garden near his house. Because of this incident, he tries to find out who was murdered the dog. While he was investigating he found a lot of things very important to his life: his mother’s letters. After that, there are two mysteries instead of one: he has to find out if his mother is alive and where she is.

One day, his father confesses to be the murdered of the bloody dog, and Chris feels a lot of fear of him, so he decides to travel to London for looking for his mother (who was alive).

Finally, he find his mother and a new life starts: He could live with both, father and mother (although in different houses) and a new dog!

2. Describe the main characters. What kind of people are they? Use examples from the story to show what you mean.

Christopher: He’s the boy who wrote the story, He’s intelligent. He likes maths, science and he has a photographic memory. The novel show this in a lot of chapters when he solves maths problems and talks about science. He likes to solve all the problems,

Wellington: The dog that appeared dead at the beginning of the story.

Father: He is patient with his son, he wants the best for his education. But I think he loses the control sometimes, for example, when he killed the dog. He’s very resentful with his ex-wife so much so that he lies his son saying his mother died.

Mother: She is impatient, she likes to live happy without problems and I think she’s a little coward for not facing her life’s problems and she doesn’t want to solve the problems with her family. But she was worried about his son when she was away so he’s a good mother, really.

Mrs Shears (a neighbour): She was a neighbour. She is friendly because she helped to Christopher’s father with the house when his wife left him.

Mr Shears: He was a neighbour. Now he is her mother’s boyfriend. He’s rude because he didn’t respect the love that a mother has for his son. He wanted to live with his girlfriend but without his child.

Siobhan she’s Christopher’s teacher. She advise Christopher how to write the book. She’s blond and wear glasses. She’s very friendly and attentive because she’s always worried about Christopher. When Christopher show her the book, she reads it and correct it; when she saw a bruise on the Chris’s face, she ask him what was happened, how he did it and why.

Mrs Alexander: She is the old lady from number 39. She is important in this story because she told Christopher about the relationship between his mother and Mr Shears. She’s a little gossip, because she knows all that happened in the neighbourhood. The novel show that when she talks to Christopher.

3. What is the main conflict of the novel? How is it resolved?

The main conflict is the mother’s death. Firstly, I thought it was the dog’s death, but when the novel goes by, I think the most important conflict is the mother’s death because Christopher found proofs that show she’s alive. The objective is to find her, and he travels alone to London where she lives. Finally he founds her, and their parents have to solve the problems of the family. It’s a happy ending because he can share the new life with his mother and his father.

4. Are there any interesting sub-plots (minor conflicts)? Briefly summarise them.

Yes. The investigation of the murderer’s dog. Christopher wants to find who was the guilty and investigate to the neighbourhood. His father was the person who killed the dog as he said in an argument with his son.

The relationship between his mother and Mr Shears. Christopher didn’t know anything about it, but Mrs Alexander told him. At the end, when he found his mother, he checks that is true: his mother is living with him and she left his father to go out with Mr Shears.

5. Where or when is the novel set? Does it affect the story? If so, how? If not, why not?

The novel set in a neighbourhood of houses in Swidon , England. The descriptions of the houses, the gardens, the district, the way to the shop... they show an atmosphere typical of England. Chris doesn’t use to go alone anywhere, even his village. The trip to London was a dangerous adventure for him.

6. What do you think was the author’s purpose in writing the novel?

I think the author wants to show the reaction of a boy to the stupid things of the adults. The boy is always thinking about logical things: he compares the real life with the science or with maths and he doesn’t understand the feelings of the human beings. We can read an adult history in another side: the thinkings of a boy. That’s why is original.

7. Often the title of a short story or novel points to a theme. What do you think the title of this novel means?

The title of the novel is “The curious incident of the dog in the night-time”. It not only reflects the incident of the dog that we can read at the beginning, but all the conflicts that happened after this incident. This event is the cause of all the thinkings, all the problems and the solutions we can read in the history. The title shows that is a mystery novel too.

8. Comment on the author’s writing style. Did you like it? Why? Why not?

I think the writing style is innovative and original. It makes an easy lecture so all people can read this book. I like it because it is written by a boy and all the lectors can identify with him.

9. How did you react to the novel? Why?

I was expecting all the time what will happened at the end. I think it’s an interesting and original novel because it shows the private thinkings of a boy and how he looks the world. Sometimes I was surprised because I didn’t expect the reaction of the characters.

10. Add anything else you want to comment on.

After reading the book, I understand why they have so good critics and why it’s the winner book of the year. It’s original and people of all the ages can read it. The history is nice too, and very interesting. It’s one of those books that makes the reader feel something. I really like it.